Contact / Directions

The Copyshop Zentrale lies within the heart of Schwabing and Maxvorstadt in close distance from the Ludwig-Maximilian-University.
You can reach us by public transport:

U-Bahn lines U3 and U6 station "Universität"
U-Bahn line U2 station "Josephsplatz"
Tram lines 27 and 28 stations "Schellingstr." or "Nordendstr."
Buslines 153 and 154 station "Schellingstr."
Copyshop Zentrale
Adalbertstraße 43
80799 München

Telefon: 089 27 12 313
Telefon: 089 27 12 395
Fax: 089 27 24 357

Mo. - Fr.: 08.00 - 20.00
Sa.: 10.00-16.00

Copyshop Zentrale
Adalbertstr. 43
80799 München
opening hours
Mo-Fr: 9:00-18:00
Sa: 10:00-16:00
089 271 23 13
089 271 23 95
Copyshop Zentrale
Adalbertstr. 43
80799 München
opening hours
Mo-Fr: 9:00-18:00 
Sa: 10:00-16:00
Copyshop Zentrale
Adalbertstr. 43
80799 München
opening hours
Mo-Fr: 9:00-18:00 
 Sa: 10:00-16:00
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